Introduction of TI-STIC
The main goal of the STIC is to strengthen our partnership with Indonesia in science and technology while also playing the central role of the hub in our National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
Background Profile
Science and Technology Innovation Center for
Circular Economy and Green Innovative Resources
Starting from 1990, Indonesia has had to face emerging issues of waste management and sustainable utilization of resources accompanying impressive economic growth. There exist room for the development of a complete, cradle-to-grave management system. Particularly in the recycling and reuse of non-hazardous waste as useful materials. A green economy is important to sustain the Earth as our home. Since 2015, Indonesia Government has a policy to treat waste to protect the environment through 3R (reuse, recycling, and recovery).
Taiwan owns technologies for waste minimization and cleaner production that are practical and mature. However, the local market is limited. Thus, the recycle and the reuse of industrial waste serves as an excellent topic for Taiwan to seek joint venture and collaboration with Indonesia, both academia and industrial sectors, so that a win-win scenario may be created.

As one of the leading countries in recycling and recovering waste, Taiwan owns mature legal and administrative systems and related technology for waste minimization and cleaner production. Recycling and reuse of industrial waste serve as an excellent topic for Taiwan to collaborate with Indonesia, both academia and industrial sectors. Private sectors, such as environmental consulting companies, equipment suppliers, cement manufacturers, may join with Indonesian counterparts.
Based on the collaboration goals on waste minimization and cleaner production, the National Taiwan of Science and Technology (NTUST) with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS); Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (UKWMS); and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) join to establish Taiwan - Indonesia Science and Technology Innovation Center (STIC). The main goal of the STIC is to strengthen our partnership with Indonesia in science and technology while also playing the central role of the hub in our National Council of Science and Technology (NSTC). This center role creates a space for healthy conversations and makes it easier for people to talk to each other. Our main goal is to build a strong network of partnerships between Taiwan and Indonesia that includes businesses, universities, and government agencies. We pay special attention to the cycle economy, green technology, and clean, long-lasting production, because these are all things that we care about together. It's important to note that Taiwan Tech is very proud of its involvement. It has a large network of over 1,500 successful graduates working in government agencies, the private sector, and non-profits in both Taiwan and Indonesia.
The STIC initiative is set to be implemented over a duration of three years, with operational offices located in Indonesia at ITS and UKWMS. The primary areas of focus for the Taiwan - Indonesia STIC include the circular economy, green technology, and clean production, which are of mutual interest to all stakeholders involved.

The primary concerns addressed by this center:
Encompass the effective management and repurposing of waste plastics
The implementation of environmentally friendly practices within the fertilizer sector
The establishment of green labeling for factories and enterprises
The utilization of industrial waste as low-carbon construction materials
The management of electronic waste
The goals are to strengthen cooperation on science and technology with Indonesia and serve as the hub-center of our National Council of Science and Technology (NSTC) that provides a platform for dialogues and communications.
Sustainable utilization of materials. Focusing on reuse of industrial by-products and waste as construction materials. Coal fly ash, water (alum) sludge, and spent bleaching clay are chosen.
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan encourages universities and research institutes to set up overseas Science and Technology Innovation Center (STIC) with ASEAN countries, India, Australia, and New Zealand.
Taiwan - Indonesia STIC will be the hub-center of the MOST to promote substantial collaboration and innovative technologies exchange with related countries.
Establishing a dialogue platform and an advisory committee involving academia, industry, and administrative sectors.
Establish key technologies and related data banks of experts and potential teams for collaboration.
Transforming technology for a circular economy and a green innovation resources