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2023 TI-STIC Seminar: Green Technology and Resource Recovery

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

On December 12, 2023, Taiwan Tech organized the seminar "Taiwan-Indonesia Green Technology and Resource Recovery " to foster knowledge exchange on green technology and resource recycling. The seminar comprised four sessions.

In the session I, Dean, Dr. Ching-Hwa Lee of Dayeh University presented Taiwan's regulations, recycling systems, and processing techniques for the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. He emphasized the significance of the "four-in-one" system, providing a detailed explanation of the entire recycling process, including the operations of automobile dismantling plants and shredding facilities.

Dean, Dr. Ching-Hwa Lee of Dayeh University

Following this, Dr. Ervin Nurhayati Suparlan from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology shared insights into Indonesia's waste plastic management and policies. He addressed Indonesia's plastic pollution issues and highlighted local government and academic efforts in waste management, particularly the practical aspects of the ecological campus project at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.

Dr. Ervin Nurhayati Suparlan from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)

Professor Ya-Fen Wang from Chung Yuan Christian University introduced Taiwan's resource cycling development and policies, sharing Taiwan's achievements in general and industrial waste recycling and reuse. She underscored four key policies, including the "four-in-one" resource recycling plan and source reduction.

Professor Ya-Fen Wang from Chung Yuan Christian University

In the last session, Dr. Suryadi Ismadji from Widya Mandala Catholic University discussed Indonesia's commitment to green industry and referenced Indonesia's pledges on sustainable development and net-zero emissions at the G20 Summit in 2022 and ASEAN Summit in 2023. He emphasized the support and technological challenges required to achieve green industry goals.

Dr. Suryadi Ismadji from Widya Mandala Catholic University (WMCUS)

The seminar attracted 65 participants from Taiwan, Indonesia, and other countries. Following the event, Ms. Scorpi Filia Setri from PT. Mash Moshem Indonesia engaged in discussions with Professor Tsung-Kuan Lin from Hwa Hsia University of Technology , exploring potential collaborations in cosmetics quality control analysis laboratories and future industry-academic cooperation. The seminar showcased the commitment to sustainable practices and collaboration between Taiwan and Indonesia in the realm of green technology and resource recycling.

Ms. Scorpi Filia Setri from PT. Mash Moshem Indonesia

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